
Weegee (full name: Weegee Luigi Malleo) is a being that once ruled the United 'Gees Galaxy...


Weegee was born about 69 years ago to Fortran and Ulona. Fortran was the ruler of the United 'Gees Galaxy back then.

Fortran already had a son named Malleo at the time. Malleo became Weegee's older brother. Under normal circumstances, Malleo would inherit Fortran's throne after he died, but in this case, he inherited it after Fortran gave it up when Malleo turned 18 so he could fulfill his dream of being a chef. Fortran also gave Weegee a place as the second ruler around that time.

Malleo wasn't very fit as a ruler, so Weegee did most of the duties which is why he is more famous. Weegee ruled the United 'Gees Galaxy for a long time and was known almost everywhere. He has a son named Samaweegee who eventually betrayed him and joined The Anti-Weegee Alliance.

Weegee's powers were eventually drained by the Elementix because they thought he was a threat. This caused him to be dethroned since he was no longer strong enough to keep his rule. He is no longer the ruler of the United 'Gees Galaxy.


Since Fortran was the ruler of the United 'Gees Galaxy, Malleo and Weegee lived in a huge mansion and were very rich. They were also a bit spoiled. Both Malleo and Weegee always got an abundance of presents every month or so. Weegee got his first hat when he was 4. He has obtained new hats throughout his life until he was 15, when he got the current hat he has today. For most of his life, Weegee stayed at home and hardly ever left, though he was forced to when he turned 5 and went to Welshings Private School.

During his childhood, Weegee's best and only friend was a Fremmlin named Sammy, and they were always bullied by the older Fremmlins in Welshings Private School. However, when Weegee was 8, and told all the bullies that his father was Fortran, they all became nice to him and Sammy, except for one Fremmlin named Mallkin.

When Weegee was 12, he and Sammy got into an argument about who gets to be the class president. Weegee won and Sammy and Weegee's friendship started to collapse. On the last week of school, Sammy got so jealous of Weegee that he got into a fight with him on the street. Weegee was stronger than Sammy and pushed him down a slope, where he tumbled into the Fortran Nuclear Power Plant. The radiation burned through Sammy until he was just a skeleton. He somehow survived and became evil, going under the name Skelemar, and founding Un Ded many years later.

Developing Powers

Weegee's powers started to develop when he turned 13. This included the Weegee Stare and Virus, his immortality, and a few others. The first power to develop was laser vision. He had no control of it, and it turned on and off at random. Sometime later his immortality began. Sometimes he would go to the doctor's office, and it seemed as though he barely aged (cell wise), other times he aged "normally."

Extinction of the Fremmlins

The final power to develop was the Weegee Stare/Virus and it was as unpredictable as the other powers. At that time, the dominant species of the United 'Gees Galaxy was the Fremmlins, such as his former friend Sammy. As Weegee could not control the Virus, he accidentally turned the entire Fremmlin population into disfigured teenage Weegee clones. Weegee later learned how to control this power and make normal clones when he turned 19. Anyway, the accidental Fremmlin extinction freaked Weegee out, and he lived in solitude for 6 years until he learned to control his powers.


Early Adulthood

Weegee decided to find a career once he graduated Nelman University. He took a course in finance, but never got to achieve his dream job to be an accountant. Instead, he was hired by a mysterious person who offered him a job as a plumber. He became one of the plumbing legends, topped only by the famous Mario. Mario thought that Weegee was trying to replace his brother Luigi in society, so he attacked Weegee for an unknown reason. Weegee then quit his job as a plumber and gained Mario and Luigi as enemies. After that his rival Boozuh tried to flood Awnarteecaw and captured his brother Malleo. He later went around the world, but no one recognized him since he was mentioned by his father and was considered a regular person. He met Awphysaur, Paute, Prawphysaur, Ceeforee, and Phatsograveset. He later met with the mayor Mayor Seehdleh who was worried that there was no hope but he later defeat Boozuh's kids and saved his brother Malleo.

As Ruler

Weegee was now without a job and had three lifelong enemies. He tried out other jobs, such as being a window washer, carpenter, and real estate agent, but he realized he was horrible at all of them. He still could not find a job in finance. He decided to return home and live without a job, as he was rich, but when he arrived, he was surprised to find his brother, Malleo, as well as nearly all the disfigured Weegee clones in the universe there. Over time Weegee would lead invasions that he would do by himself or with his army in order to turn everyone and everything into a member of the Weegee Army via infecting almost anyone he comes across with the Weegee Virus. At one point he would even try to expel all good in him in order to become more powerful though it didn't seem to have truly worked since he still cared a lot about his friends and family.


Weegee had many powers. His most notable ones were:

  • The Weegee Stare: The Weegee Stare is Weegee's most recognizable ability. This allows him to stare at someone for a certain amount of time. Eventually, the person he is staring at either dies/explodes or becomes a Weegee himself/herself. It is unknown what would happen if Weegee stared at himself in a mirror.
  • The Weegee Virus: The Weegee Virus is the force that turns a person into a Weegee clone via the Weegee Stare.
  • Immortality: Weegee cannot die of old age, so he will probably be ruler for a long time
  • Control of his army: Weegee has complete control over his army, which consists of billions of Weegee clones and several Fakegees.
  • Laser Vision: Weegee can blast deadly lasers from his eyes.
  • X-Ray Vision: Weegee can see through anything if he wants, though he chooses not to stare through people's clothes.
  • Teleportation: Technically, all Fakegees can do this, so this power isn't as special.

However, ever since Weegee got power drained, the following powers were affected:

  • Immortality (Removed)
  • Weegee Stare/Virus (Removed except for when he is Virus Weegee)
  • Transformations (Most are harder to obtain)
  • Overall power nerfed slightly, no longer has mastery of any form

His Dethroning

After some time, The Elementix decided to kidnap Weegee and Malleo and drain their powers fearing that they were too strong. This would result in the start of The Age of Anarchy in which a war between T.A.O.M.W and the A.G.D would happen that lasted for a span of about 13 years ending with the T.A.O.M.W. winning the war, both groups disbanding after the war is over. After the war, Weegee decided to truly retire as ruler thus letting his second son Omnieegee take over as ruler of the United 'Gees Galaxy.

