
Did you mean Fireegee?

Firegee is the Weegee God of fire. He was created by Pureegee to create fire. He is the best friend of Sungee, since they can both make fire anytime at will. He commonly likes to show off, as he is able to generate fire at his fingertips. He is also known to have a bit of a juvenile attitude. He is blurry due to show hot he is. He currently is living at the Beach of Fakegees in the Trolliverse Isles. He does not get along with Watergee because they are complete opposites and he dislikes Firegee's minor chaos. He soon has a son named Flamegee that he created. He helped Pureegee in the Pure and Demon War as a guard for the Pure Ones and The Pure Phalanx
