Reegee Non

Non Recolour.



Reegee is a very aggressive fakegee. He is almost as angry as Angrygee, almost. He is a traitor to the Fakegees because he joined The Anti-Weegee Alliance. His cousin is Maltroegee, who ended up being his co-worker in The Anti-Weegee Alliance. His brother Is Ralleo. His dad is Rortran.

He usually stabs anyone who stands in his way.

He was once deemed so deadly that he was given his own planet to terrorize people on. Apparently, this wasn't enough, and he still manages to terrorize people from other reaches of the universe.


  • He is called Reegee because of Red and that fact that he is a Weegee.
  • His angriness level is the third on the most angry weegees classification.
  • The day before Kanjoheeo was murdered, Reegee just about put a bullet through his head. Some people think he helped murder him, but this has been proven false.

Reegee after killing some Fakegees.

Toon reegee

Toon Reegee
